It’s Easter day and the potatoes are rotten. We can’t have a proper dinner without spuds. My Dad sends me off to the grocery store for more and I just want to stay home and keep playing with my friends …

Money Grows On Trees
Do you think money grows on trees? Well it does… in an energetic sense. It exists as a vibrational frequency within you. You can tune yourself to the state of being that money provides. Money provides stability and easy access …

How I Raised My Vibration To Abundance & Felt The Way Source Does
Last night, as I was falling asleep, I had a very beautiful experience of life through the eyes of Source. I was actively paying attention to my focus. I would go with a stream of thoughts for a bit, then …

Why Entrepreneurship Is A Spiritual Expression Of Freedom
Your inner nature is freedom and boundless. Entrepreneurship is all about evolving and living that expression of freedom that is deep within your True Self. Your Infinite Self.
I never decided to be an entrepreneur. I’m not sure anyone decides …

The Speed of Infinity
How could I have ever doubted how fast the Universe can deliver exactly what I want?
Wanting is the automatic step of creation. Desires are born from simply living life. Things happen and you either want less of them or …

Dreaming Big in Bangkok
The past few days have been a barrage of inspiration and motivation.
I flew to Bangkok last Friday for an entrepreneurial conference of people like me who work online to create freedom. It’s a great group of people called the …

Sex and Money Are Awesome
Unless you’ve been living in a monastery your whole life, then sex and money have probably consumed a lot of your thought. Me too. Being a very inquisitive and spiritual person most of my life has created unique perspectives on …

Life’s Real Currency And How You Can Change The World With It
Everything is a pitch
Every idea everyone has ever told you is a sales pitch. They may not be asking for money, but they are looking for an even more valuable currency: attention.
Whether you seek the attention of your …