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You Have Every Reason To Be Joyous For No Reason

It all begins from Joy.

You think God did it for any other reason?
You think You did it for any other reason?

My mind even tries to doubt it.

It yells at me, “Why are you so happy right now?”
and, “Look at all the stuff you don’t have yet.”

The reality of it is that I have SO MUCH right now that there are thousands of reasons to be happy.

  1. I have eyes to see the world.
  2. I have a roof over my head.
  3. I have clouds to look at.
  4. I am successful.
  5. I am doing my own thing.
  6. I can create music.
  7. I have a family that loves me.
  8. I have the greatest friends.
  9. I am contributing in my own way.
  10. I see a hundred cute Thai girls daily!

What more could I ask for?!

Conditional suffering

Usually as soon as we get something, we’re happy, and then after a short time, it goes away. Because we place the joy on that external condition.

To be honest, this has happened to you a thousand times in life. Me too, and it’s not a bad thing. It’s just something to be aware of.

Because then, if you are aware, you can hack yourself into joy.

If you can reason, with your mind, that right now you can choose to be happy and joyous, you will win life.

winning life

And if that’s a bit difficult to achieve, then just start looking at things in your life that are going really well. Be grateful for things that happened in the past that you really wanted at that time. Give joy back to those past events for happening and making you a stronger person.

A note from the Universe landed in my inbox the other day that read:

Tharyn, when it comes to pursuing the life of your dreams, you can look at it like this:

Best case scenario… the sun, the moon, and the stars.
Worst case scenario… the sun, the moon, and the stars.

The Universe

This touched me deeply. Best case, winning, worst case, winning. No reason necessary.

Who needs a reason? Joy doesn’t need a reason. It needs being. Then joyous external conditions will flood your life, because they have to. That’s how it works.

Just chill. The stars in the sky give reason enough for the perfection of this universe. Zoom out, chill out, and let the joy overcome you.

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Comment below any time you felt good for no reason. :)