First of all, I just wanted to thank you for reading and enjoying all of these musings of wisdom and shenanigans on There is no blog without readers, and I truly do appreciate you for being here with me. …

Tune The Universe To Your Desire
Every moment you are giving off a signal.
Every moment you are lining up with an experience of a similar signal.
The universe is inclusive. It does not give you what you want. It gives you what you are.
Now …

What I Learned From Trying To Write A Book
Failing Forward
I am still learning to write a book, and it’s not as easy as I originally thought. The other side of failure is always success. I believe in a balance and that even though I failed in my …

Learn Less And Experience More To Create The Life You Want
Do you know someone who just clears your head every time you talk with them? I just got off a Skype chat with that person. Her name’s Luminita, aka The Purpose Fairy (definitely check out her blog).
Every time we …

The Process Is The Result
The process is the result.
Woah, did you hear that?
The process is the result.
WOW! I feel like my brain just exploded. That was powerful.
Okay, i’ll do my best to describe the profound depth of this simple phrase.…

5 Insights to Gain from Trees with Meditation
Meditation on Trees
This quick blog doubles as an actual meditation you can use while in nature. You could go find a beautiful old tree and sit so that you can see most of it. Then proceed to focus on …